Woodwork Market Leader 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,
For over ten years, Centrum Analiz Branżowych [construction market research agency] has been monitoring changes on the woodwork market and regularly publishing a ranking of companies from this sector. Once a year, in cooperation with the editors of Forum Branżowe, we also organise the National Woodwork Forum, where we highlight companies from the individual segments of this market that have entered the season in the position of a sales leader.
It was no different this year, marked by the coronavirus pandemic. Although far away from each other, we were able to meet online and once again discuss the most important issued faced by our industry.
It also brought us great satisfaction to publicly recognise the Leaders of this market, companies that are at the forefront of the ongoing changes.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the combined teams of Forum Branżowe and Centrum Analiz Branżowych, and also on behalf of hundreds of participants in the National Woodwork Forum 2021, I am pleased to congratulate you on your position as a Leader of the Woodwork Market in the window covers segment and wish you further success in the year. Please accept this commemorative diploma, which is an expression of the highest appreciation for the management team and all staff at your company.
Yours faithfully,
Robert Klos
Managing Director
Centrum Analiz Branżowych